Part One

I’ve been working on the ‘tea sample’ preliminary letter, that will be sent to prospective work experience companies. It will include a QR code to a special place on the blog where they can then leave a message or navigate elsewhere. This will be sent 4 weeks prior to the tea kit.


After some research, colours have been changed to green.

Blue was also tried.

Green translates the tea better, due to tea leaves being green etc. The tea supplied will be a simple English Breakfast blend, to try to appeal to all tastes of tea lovers.

Disobedient Objects

Visit to the V&A exhibition.

“Designers are not impartial observers – words and images are powerful tools of visual communication”
– ISTD Student Assessment Projects 2014


New Project
You are required to explore, investigate and experiment with a wide range of creative methodologies such as type, image, photography, collage and moving image to visually communicate the concept of protest. 70% Research (log book) / 30% final outcome.

First chosen subject: Gender equality in gaming. Not in the games themselves but in the actual act of gaming. Concentrating more on PC and Console gaming for ease of research.

Research Links

Research Images

tumblr_nd50avxPL01qlp8eco1_500 images tumblr_mkcrij3iWY1rihgt8o1_1280 gamer_girl_tee_tshirt-r6abd165ea7d84b6baba5be780d8edde1_f0ds9_324

Kit-Tea Tea-Kit

The last few days have been one of experimentation. Working on box designs, paper engineering and what exactly I want to say with my tea-kit. I found a lovely paper to work with (Cream Laid Paper) which has a heavenly texture. This will be my business card/tea bag packaging.


Phone number is blacked out

I have styled the business card side of the design on a real tea bag packaging, using key words such as organically grown. I have played on the ingredients list and included links to my website (tiny url because the full website was long and cumbersome) as well as cute phrases.

There will be a series of three images and three phrases depending on where the package is going. “Check Meow-t”, “Purr-fect” and “It’s dangerous to go alone… take this!” (to fit with sending the package to game companies). Each image has a different style of cat.

A design change has been added to the original idea, that instead of cubed sugar, sugar packets will be used as they are more hygienic.


Attracting Attention

After discussion about what it is like to be a design studio manager, and have a thousand and one CV’s and portfolios pass by your desk I decided to work on a care package of sorts, which will house my CV’s details, business card and cover letter. It will be in the style of packaging, to showcase my ability in that.

I have settled on a tea-kit (for a kit-tea, /kitty/, see what I did there?) which will house a tea bag, sugar and milk.

10354600_808989592497556_6360809991561682392_nFirst is working  on the tea-bag and business card design using the logo. I thought about making the card be part of the teabag, but it looked unprofessional and messy.

Back to the drawing board.
