Is honesty always the best policy?

I legitimately haven’t felt able to update this journal of my journey and work because I’ve been unsure how honest to be with something potential employers can read. I’ve felt my work hasn’t been of a standard I can share very well, but this is meant to be a place I can log my progression and growth. Two projects I’ve done lately I will be updating with but first my thoughts.

  1. I’ve sent a number of emails to companies I’ve felt I had genuine interest in working in, to ask them for advice. I have had no reply. Not even a stock “thank you for your email we’re too busy to answer this” email. This (lack of) interest has affected my confidence in the industry probably more than criticism of my work would.
  2. I have genuinely not liked my work, and I am unsure how I wish to proceed with my journey.
  3. Just what do I share in an environment where potential employers can read my every thought: my dissertation or just my visual work?
  4. I’ve no idea where my strengths lie. I’m kind of a Jack of all trades.. which probably isn’t a good thing in the design industry, and I have no idea where my passions and strengths lie other than I would love to work in film, tv or video games.
  5. I am afraid. I am afraid of what the future holds. Yes, me, a 36 year old adult. Afraid. There I said it. My personal past holds me pretty rock steady in the sea of unknown steps and I am afraid to tread onwards due to age and confidence.

So these are some of the things I need to address before I can happily and actively search for work in “The Industry”. Airing these thoughts may cause some potential employers to pass by and roll their eyes, and maybe they are not the best working environment I wish to be in if they do. If so, then thanks for reading and have a nice day. Now for those of you who stayed, hey.. I’m Kit .. and I would like a job please. Or at the very least your thoughts on my work and where to being looking.

With that.. I shall now work on uploading two projects I’ve worked on, and my dissertation.


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